About Us
SNAP Cymru is a national charity, unique to Wales, founded in 1986. Its main aim is to advance the education of people in Wales and support their inclusion.
SNAP Cymru offers free and independent information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs (SEN)/additional learning needs(ALN)and disabilities. We give advice and support on a range of issues including assessments, individual education plans, statements of special educational needs, bullying, school attendance, exclusion, health and social care provision and discrimination.
We also provide advocacy, disagreement resolution, discrimination advice, advocacy and training for young people, parents and professionals.
SNAP Cymru has worked to facilitate partnership for over 36 years and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. We hold the Legal Aid Agency’s Specialist Quality Mark, Investing in Volunteers Quality Mark and were awarded The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award for Voluntary Service.
We are the leading provider of Parent Partnership and Disagreement Resolution Services in Wales, and have developed representation and advocacy services for children and young people, parents and carers.
SNAP Cymru works with the twenty two Local Authorities in Wales. We also work closely with Social Services, Health, Schools, Early Years Providers, Social Care providers, Careers Wales and Third Sector partners.

Who can we help?
All families, children and young people who live in Wales who have, or may have, Additional Learning Needs, including Special Educational Needs or Disabilities and other barriers to education
e.g. children in need, disaffection, poverty, deprivation or English or Welsh as a second language. We also can help carers, professionals and others who support children and young people including schools, colleges and other community education establishments.
Our Team
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Our Trustees
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Our Vision/ Impact
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Our Awards and Recognition

Specialist Quality Mark
SNAP Cymru are holders of The Specialist Quality Mark (SQM) which is a standard owned by the Legal Aid Agency (LAA)

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Volunteering Award
The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is an annual award made to recognise and reward excellence in voluntary activities carried out by groups in the community.

Investing in Volunteers Award
Achieving Investing in Volunteers benefit our organisation by enabling us to publicly demonstrate our organisation’s commitment to volunteering and effective volunteer management.