News & Updates
Shop online and support SNAP Cymru for FREE!
If you do any online shopping, why not support SNAP for free? We are currently signed up to receive support from both Amazon Smile and Easyfundraising. AmazonSmile What is it? It is a shopping website operated by Amazon – when you shop on this website,...
The SNAP Cymru Website
Since being founded in 1986, SNAP Cymru has been continuously evolving and developing to suit family’s and children’s needs, and our latest development is no different. We believe that good quality information can help...
SNAP Cymru’s Telephone Helpline Booking System
Sometimes getting to speak to an advice line can be difficult- the lines are always in demand and extremely busy and you too have busy schedules. To try to overcome this we have introduced a booking system for our telephone help line. Booking an...

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